> Matthias Wasser wrote:
> >
> > The world is one economy, not 203, and the vast majority of OECD citizens
> > occupy a really nice position in that economy.
> Think about the fact that in the entire history of the u.s. the largest,
> most varied, and most militant left movement occurred in one of the most
> prosperous decades in the history of the country.
> The assumption that misery radicalizes is a myth existing in the minds
> of racials who are themselves in fairly good shape. The French and
> Russian revolutions both occurred during upswings in the economy of
> those nations. The radicalism of the 1930s is greatly over-estimated;
> the '60s are greatly underestimated by leftists who look at them through
> sectarian eyes.
I'm talking about economic well-being relative to other people, not economic well-being relative to one's own recent past.