--- On Tue, 8/18/09, Jordan Hayes <jmhayes at j-o-r-d-a-n.com> wrote:
> So Vista *is* better! Progress! Microsoft is
[WS:] I think that from a purely technical point of view, Vista seems better than XP and far superior to 2000 or Me - but this comes from a non-expert user. What irritates me about Vista is similar to what irritates me about American cars, cable TV and supermarkets - it packages and forces one to buy a lot of unnecessary stuff, bells and whistles, or simply irrelevant options. I prefer a simple but reliable product that contains only those options that are relevant to me.
Another irritant is planned obsolescence. Vista made a lot of my otherwise good software obsolete.
Finally, there is the DRM problem - which means that I have to buy and sustain in my home a policeman that watches my every step and can use it against me. I am really attached to the 5th Amendment and I do not appreciate the idea of being forced to buying something that can be used against me.