On Aug 18, 2009, at 2:55 PM, // ravi wrote:
> On Aug 18, 2009, at 12:38 PM, Wojtek Sokolowski wrote:
>> Can anyone help me solve the seemingly simple problem involving
>> TFPOS*) Windows.
>> When I want to explore (using Windows XP) the contents of my drive,
>> I click on "start," then "computer," and then drive from a pull-
>> down menu (say, D:) - a _single_ windows opens showing the
>> contents of that drive. What I want instead is _two_ side-by-side
>> windows opening - one on the left showing the folders, and the
>> other one on the right showing the files (if any). My other
>> machine (Vista) is set that way, but I cannot figure out how to set
>> the XP machine that way. The "help" in Windows is not at all
>> helpful, especially if one does not know the proper jargon. Can
>> anyone help?
> I don't have access to a Windows system right now, but I think you
> will find under View or some such, the option to turn on the Folder
> View or whatever it is. More when I can boot up the Evil OS. ;-)
Assuming that by "tow windows" you really mean two sections within one explorer window, you can achieve this using the above suggestion of mine: View -> Explorer Bar -> Folders. To avoid doing that each time, follow instructions here: