You might think about giving a web site address for more information on Afghanistan where people interested can go to get background. The idea is to direct them to a honest appraisal of the whole US NATO operation, the disasters these have wrecked on Afghanistan, and the virtual impossibility of success of any more US and EU troops or any US envisioned outcome.
I just read two books, Jeremy Scahill's Blackwater, and James Risen's State of War. Together they paint a disastrous portrait of US military, its privatized contractor system to make up for an inadequate US military apparatus, and the sea of lies about both war zones propagated by US media and government.
Scahill focuses on Blackwater and its rightwing connections in the Republican party inside the Executive branch and Congress. Also Rumsfeld and the neocon connections. Risen focuses on the breakdown of the CIA and the thorough going politicization of the US intelligence community and Rumsfeld's work to develop a Defense Department intelligence apparatus independent of the CIA, i.e. an apparatus that only reports good news that all policies in place are working just fine. Basically you can get fired or replaced for giving a blunt assessment of conditions on the ground.
Also last Saturday Doug featured Christian Parenti on his program. Parenti said there was simply no way Obama's focus on Afghanistan can be anything but more disasters to come. He pointed out that we've turned Afghanistan into a narco-terrorist state, so that the US NATO forces will be brought into something resembling the US a war on drugs activities it now carries on in Columbia, where Blackwater et al operate along side US and Columbian military.
All of which is absurd since Hamid Karzai's brother owns one of the largest poppy fields in the country, which is located along some well known highway. The implication is that Karazi holds power and has support from the chief drug kingpins who in turn control their district politics. The main economic engine in Afghanistan is drug production.
Parenti's suggestion (I think this is right) is to hold a regional conference with China, Russia, Pakistan and India and sort out all the issues in the region. Basically, the US should hand off the war in Afghanistan to a regional power body and let them sort it out. US get out of Afghanistan now, period, goodbye.
There must be something out there that combines all of this into a single point and click web page to background `elections' in Afghanistan.
ps. Of course I don't know that any of this information is true, since I have to trust three journalist's word for it.