[lbo-talk] most Americans no fan of stimulus program>>> What the public got were news stories about how the stimulus money
>>> was going to go to Wall Street and Banks
>>That's not the stimulus program, of course.
>Yes, but if that's the story they're getting, it might just as well be.
>TARP, PPIP, TIP, TALF, who can keep it all straight, when you go right to the
>sports page first thing in the morning?
Yeah, my impression (and it's only an impression) is that the hard right media (in its myriad incarnations) consciously tried to steer inchoate populist anger about the Wall Street bailout into ideological spleen against big guv, as if the bailout was the sine qua non of state intervention. To some extent this probably explains the cognitively dissonant insurgency against health care "reform."
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