robert wood
p.s. I really enjoyed the Demolished Man...
> I am hesitating to make recommendations, after the Badiou Debacle, but I
> notice they both list PKD's *VALIS* books, so I will underline that
> (noting
> that *VALIS* is the one to start with -- I am still thinking of teaching
> it
> this term) and add *Time Out of Joint* to the PKD stuff they list.
> Sticking
> with SF, you might try Samuel Delany, if you've not read him (especially
> *Stars
> in my Pocket like Grains of Sand * or *Babel-17*). It occurs to me to
> wonder
> what you would make of Alfred Bester, either *The Demolished Man* or *The
> Stars My Destination* (I prefer the latter, but both are excellent; Bester
> is a fabulous writer).
> Unfortunately, I have not been keeping up much with current fiction, so
> not
> much help there.
> fwiw, ymmv, etc. etc.
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