> If you're into long, rambling novels that turn out to be profound spiritual
> treatises about the power of human redemption (and who isn't!), try Tom
> Wolfe. My favorite by him right now is *A Man in Full*, which is not only
> secretly a religious tract on behalf of the Stoics, but includes lots of
> quotes by them as well! What fun!
> Seriously, though; if you haven't already, try Tom Wolfe. If nothing else,
> and if you haven't already, read *Bonfire on the Vanities*, since
> pretentious hipsters will always quote it and expect you to know what they
> mean. If you have, try anything else of his (
> http://www.tomwolfe.com/bookshelf.html), which will inevitable be better.
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"I am Charlotte Simmons" is hilarious on every level; the prose is good, and you can tell that everyone who he "interviewed" to "research" the book was totally rolling him for laffs.