It does seem to me symptomatic of the uncritical stance of the mainstream western press that they fail to understand that in some areas of the world people may think of Megrahi as innocent and a sacrificial lamb and that there are plausible grounds for their thinking that.
Blog: Blog:
--- On Tue, 8/25/09, Left-Wing Wacko <leftwingwacko at> wrote:
> From: Left-Wing Wacko <leftwingwacko at>
> Subject: Re: [lbo-talk] (no subject)
> To: lbo-talk at
> Date: Tuesday, August 25, 2009, 9:55 PM
> On Tue, Aug 25, 2009 at 6:35 PM, ken
> hanly<northsunm at>
> wrote:
> "Megrahi has always denied his innocence and he continues
> to do so
> while he is dying. He was making a second appeal of his
> sentence which
> he dropped and subsequently he was granted this release.
> You won't
> find this even mentioned in mainstream reports. In fact I
> have not
> even seen a recent report about all this that mentions the
> fact he
> might not be guilty! Why?"
> You must mean he "has always claimed his innocence....."
> And how about a subject line please.
> Thanks,
> Sheldon
> ___________________________________