Personally I feel like the past decade has been a golden age for music. I'm not sure how much that has to do with it coinciding with my twenties and how much it's generalisable. But I wouldn't trade it for any other.
On Thu, Aug 27, 2009 at 8:54 AM, joel schalit<jschalit at> wrote:
> If only kids were interested in pop music, like boomers and 80s-90s
> youth were. I worked in the music business for fifteen years, both as
> an artist and eventually as a label manager. The decline in youth
> interest in music in general was clearly discernible starting in the
> late 1990s.
> To be fiercely into music, such as became the case during the
> indie/punk period that began in the US during the 1980s, is now a
> generational hallmark, rather something indigenous to contemporary
> youth culture. Music is enjoyed more as part of larger cultural and
> technological ensembles than on its own.