The article was a nice read. But I kept asking myself, don't these guys play with their babies and children?
I mean, just watching my own kid, I realized rug rats are practically speaking little drooling Einsteins. They have to figure out how their body works and how the world works. Some philosopher or sage, I can't remember had the theory that we were born with all the knowledge there ever was and grew up only to unlearn it all.
Anyway, back in the Badiou thread I tried to formalize these thoughts into the idea that homo sapien sapiens have evolved into the natural equivalent of what we call scientist. What makes us so sucessful as a species is that we study and play in the world and figure out how it works. Since the world is so vast and so complex we spend our lives just doing that and try to pass on what we learn through our stories, that is to say our culture.
I know this sounds utterly simplistic. But this kind of explanation makes more sense to me that a bunch of ideas strung together about competition for this or that trait.