> Because it's hard to ignore someone who keeps muddying the waters of
> a discussion you're generally interested in. With online arguments
> you open a post from someone you're *not* ignoring and there's very
> often something in there from someone you are *trying* to ignore.
> And people who muddy waters in the particular ways Dwayne is talking
> about revel in doing it for years and years.
sure. maybe. sometimes they just go away because no one is feeding them. (remember the old internet adage: don't feed the trolls!) sometimes, they change because they realize they have to in order to be taken seriously.
Regardless, you know who made me stop and think about this incessant need to respond, the inability to just ignore: Angela M. in an offlist she said to me: Enjoy Your Symptom.
What have you got to lose other than your fantasy -- ?
-- http://cleandraws.com Wear Clean Draws ('coz there's 5 million ways to kill a CEO)