Matthias Wasser wrote:
> A cute little devil, from the WaPo story:
> "Under the new rules, companies can waive the $500,000 cap by informing
> shareholders that they planned to continue paying executives higher
> salaries. Companies would be required to allow a shareholder resolution on
> the subject, but the results would not bind the company."
SA says:
Ha! They're good at this.
J Gulick:
Oh, I was SO wrong. NOW I get it. The point is NOT that the poor saps forced onto the corporate welfare rolls deserve a cut in their allowance, just as all the others who fail the merit test of the market. The point IS that the scorn- worthy execs bamboozled that most manifestly democratic of human institutions, the shareholders' caucus, and now must be subject to its enlightened oversight. Kind of.
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