Yup. [the current state of labor]'s very bad news.
But they've self-destructed over some real issues. Centralized control vs. rank and file democracy. Renouncing the strike as antique vs. seeing it as the ultimate source of labor's (theoretical) power. Cutting backroom deals that workers barely know about vs. organizing openly. Seeing CEOs as your constituency vs. the working class.
Am I wrong?
I'm not a labor issues expert but, being a worker (of course) I do try to keep abreast of the state of the art.
>From my point of view it seems your last point -- "Seeing CEOs as your
constituency vs. the working class" -- gets right to the heart of it.
In fact, many (most?) of our on-list arguments about the decisions of organized labor leadership have been sparked by conflicting interpretations of maneuvers which, to many of us, seemed premised on the idea that bosses were good faith 'partners' instead of adversaries.
-- Giancarlo: You know the old saying: 'keep your friends close and your enemies dead.'
Dwayne: What? That's not how it goes.
Giancarlo: It should.
.............................. http://monroelab.net/blog/