Jim Kunstler's gleeful misanthropy surely undermines his sociological insight, but how can anyone come away from perusing these two items not thinking, "eh, why bother?" Branding malarkey and logo'ed identities: everyone you know seems to see right through them/mock them/despise them, and every year they seem to become more indestructible.
Well yes, but then again, no.
The real story here isn't that marketing and the marketeers who market are "indestructible" thought dominators and ninja skilled soul takers (people don't buy soda because of a logo, they buy it because it's sweet and goes okay with burgers and fries). But, contra misanthropy targeted against the supposedly super malleable masses, the *real* story here is that our captains of industry have about as much sense as chimps drunk on Scotch.
Off camera, I've just been handed a research paper authored by Dr. Professor titled "On the Cognitive Abilities of Chimpanzees Who've Had A few Too Many".
Abstract: drunk chimps are actually cleverer than execs who spend 25 mil on a smacked ass ad campaign.
-- Giancarlo: You know the old saying: 'keep your friends close and your enemies dead.'
Dwayne: What? That's not how it goes.
Giancarlo: It should.
.............................. http://monroelab.net/blog/