Treating Kazakhstan and Hungary like they were all one region is a bit odd, don't you think? The former is linked to China economically; the latter is part of the EU. It's akin to linking Ireland and Egypt as part of the "upcoming catastrophe of the area vaguely centered around the Meditteranean," only if the Meditteranean were several times as big.
--- On Tue, 2/10/09, Jordan Hayes <jmhayes at> wrote:
> 1) He doesn't actually say that; b) even if he did,
> it's a small part of the posting; III) part of
> Kazakhstan (which is mostly *west* of China, but let's
> not be picky) lies to the west of the Ural River and is thus
> ... in Europe.
> He did, however, spell Kazakhstan wrong ... I'm
> surprised you missed that! It's so central to his
> point!
> /jordan