[lbo-talk] happy birthday, Darwin

dredmond at efn.org dredmond at efn.org
Wed Feb 11 14:08:31 PST 2009

On Wed, February 11, 2009 11:35 am, Doug Henwood wrote:

> <http://www.gallup.com/poll/114544/Darwin-Birthday-Believe-Evolution.aspx
> February 11, 2009
> On Darwin’s Birthday, Only 4 in 10 Believe in Evolution
> Belief drops to 24% among frequent church attenders

Actually, I'm pleasantly surprised it's as high as 39%, given the appalling shambles of the US basic education system, the idiocy of our pigopolistic mass media, and the corrupting influence of a century of Empire.

The great irony of the Darwin-bashing fundies is that they secretly subscribe to a warped, distorted version of Darwinism: the ideology that they are the select few who will be saved, while the rest of humanity will be cast into the abyss.

-- DRR

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