Q: You met so many people. Were there interviewees who have given you feedback after the election? What are they saying?
A: They're really unhappy that Obama won. And they're really having a hard time dealing with this whole economic stimulus package. They're totally opposed to that kind of government. I talked to people who had bad holidays, who had a hard time getting through the inauguration, are disappointed in their country, are sad about the direction this country is going. And it's not getting better, it's getting worse. They're looking at this, "We're all socialists now," and they're not laughing. The Newsweek cover, “We're all Socialists Now”, I got like literally a dozen calls the day that Newsweek came out. I don't know what Newsweek's intentions were, but that is terrifying to a lot of people.
I remember Elaine Tornero in Reynoldsburg, Ohio: She called me and said, "I drive through downtown Columbus, Ohio, and I see these iconic, artistic images of Barack Obama with the word 'Hope' under it, and I feel like I'm living in Castro's Cuba."