> >> Over 400 years after the death of Danish astronomer Tycho Brahe,
> >> scientists in Prague are preparing to exhume his body. Was Europe's most
> >> renowned scholar poisoned with mercury?
It's all just an excuse to dig the guy up. A deformation professionnelle of academics -- the only way they can appease their Oedipal hatred of the great men of the past is to desecrate their corpses. I seem to recall that Copernicus recently got the same treatment.
Always makes me think of how they dug up Cromwell's corpse, after the restoration, and stuck his skull up on a pike. The parallel being, of course, that the great men disrupt the discourse and then the tenured drudges come along and restore order.
I'm with the rabbis on this one. Leave the graveyards alone.
Michael Smith mjs at smithbowen.net http://stopmebeforeivoteagain.org