Matthias Wasser wrote:
> On 1/20/09, Dorene Cornwell <dorenefc at> wrote:
> > 1. Anyone know whether BHO has signed any interesting Executive Orders yet?
> >
> Guantanamo is nixed tomorrow, although it's unclear how long that will
> take to be implemented and my guess is they'll all be shuffled over to
> CIA blacksites. Hopefully I'm wrong, though!
It isn't "Guantanamo" that needs to be eliminated. It is the brutality and illegality of the treatment of prisoners, regardless of where they are kept, that is the outrage. "Guantanamo" will be there as long as there are any prisoners who are not visited by the International Red Cross, have regular access (eithout hidden mikes) to their attorneys, are are either charged or se free -- and finally, Guantanamo will still be there as long as single person is in prison as a resdult of information acquired through torture.