shag carpet bomb wrote:
> At 12:31 AM 1/24/2009, Sheldon Baker wrote:
> >While I wholeheartedly agree that the left needs to criticize Obama, we
> >also need to defend him from the far-right. And to do that, I would think
> >we would at least need to acknowledge what little he does that goes in the
> >direction we desire.
> Why? What will happen if leftists don't defend him from the far right?
> Who's the audience?
I'm about to agree with Michael Hoover that lists aren't worth reading or posting to. Obama is the current leader of the enemy of the human species. He is the Enemy incarnate (as would be any u.s. president. The U.S. blights the hopes and lives ob billions, and any U.S. president will pursue that anti-human policy. Criticize. Oh Shit! Criicize. It najes ne vomit.