> Eulogies
> The closing down of one of India's most popular websites has
> prompted eulogies from famous media commentators, feminists and
> sociologists. Pritish Nandy, writer and film producer wrote in a
> national daily that "Savita Bhabhi is a symbol of freedom, of
> empowerment, of the sexuality our women can wield if they are
> allowed to escape the sham world we Indian men trap them in because
> of our own fears of sexual inadequacy masquerading as machismo."
> Adman and TV commentator Suhel Seth, added that "the fact that she
> was called 'bhabhi' indicates a perverseness that always existed [in
> India] but we were in denial about." Others, millions of voyeuristic
> internet fans, are just plain sad that they aren't going to see the
> frisky homemaker in action.
-- Anyone who takes an effort to intellectually challenge the status quo and established habits is infinitely more venerable than hacks defending that status quo and established habits, regardless of the truth function of their propositions. -- W.Sokolowski