[lbo-talk] Will the Semi-periphery Lead the Recovery?

dredmond at efn.org dredmond at efn.org
Mon Jun 8 15:47:09 PDT 2009

OK, finally some good news:

http://www.bloomberg.com/apps/news?pid=20601091&sid=aMq6YRJVeb6Q "BRICs Add $60 Billion Reserves as Zhou Derides Dollar"

This is interesting, because while the BRICs are only 15% of the world economy, they are structurally tied through trade, capital and media flows to their respective semi-peripheries (probably 10% of global GDP). Their recovery means that a quarter of the world economy -- and the fastest-growing segment, at that -- is on the mend. Geithner's zombie banks will continue to fester, but it looks like this will be a containable, US-only problem.

Or am I being too optimistic? Comments/critiques welcome!

-- DRR

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