no shit. that's the problem I had when I read that Harper's article on a small band of people in Brazil who basically subvert Chomsky's claims. I don't have the article in front of me, but I transcribed some and posted to the list -- back 'round in 2007 or so? It was after I moved, I know that. At the time, I couldn't believe what i'd read: chomsky thinks field work linguistics is a waste of time (or something like that). This was confirmed in this book as well. (He has since done an about face -- in the last 4-5 years or so. Some conference in 2005 when he finally conceded that it was worth studying the evolution of language, yadda.)
as for language acquisition in children, there's a whole wonderful chapter in this book that, likewise, makes Chomsky's original criticisms of B.F. Skinner look kind of silly. More on that next winter when my bike is back in storage. lol
the stuff on animals communication, syntax, etc., likewise, is truly fascinating. you wil really like it MIles. I keep thinking of you with each page practically.
"let's be civil and nice, but not to the point of obeying the rules of debate as defined by liberal blackmail (in which, discomfort caused by a challenge is seen as some vague form of harassment)."
-- Dwayne Monroe, 11/19/08
-- Wear Clean Draws