> http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/europe/8096076.stm
> --
> Sandy Harris,
> Quanzhou, Fujian, China
> ___________________________________
> http://mailman.lbo-talk.org/mailman/listinfo/lbo-talk
Thanks for posting this, but I am wondering about your title "Weird Spanish illegal worker case"I read the article and my initial response was that I found nothing weird about it. I suppose the owner of the bakery was trying to avoid regulatory safety inspections, fines and medical compensation bills for the worker. Drops the guy down the street from the hospital and throws his arm in the trash dumpster. After all, the arm was no longer useful to the bakery owner. But it all really just seemed kind of normal. Although it inspired the following blog post title:
Sometimes Capitalists Can Be Such Fucking Pricks!<http://left-wingwacko.blogspot.com/2009/06/sometimes-capitalists-can-be-such.html>
-- http://left-wingwacko.blogspot.com/