[lbo-talk] Reviving the DiggLeft project...

ravi ravi at platosbeard.org
Mon Jun 15 09:44:26 PDT 2009


if you do not know what Digg is, it’s a site where people submit links to web pages (often news articles) and others vote these links up or down. Visiting Digg will let you view links sorted and filtered using criteria of your preference.

There is an open source implementation of the Digg idea called Pligg. A few years ago, I proposed that I set up a "Pligg" that caters to our interests. All of you can post links to news and blogs you think would be of interest and the rest can vote on them. Crowd-sourcing and all that rot ;-).

At the time of my proposal, there were few takers, but now that even our host is a blogger, and tech comfort and interest might have increased, it's time to reissue my call for interest. Would you find such a service useful? A means to both get to know news and analysis and to filter it using the collective wisdom of your comrades.

See Digg here: http://digg.com/ Learn about Pligg here: http://www.pligg.com/

For the project to be useful, we need a small set that is committed to adding links (though I can hopefully auto-create links to known blogs like Doug's, M.Perelman's, etc), and a larger group that will not infrequently vote on subsets of links.


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