> All that aside, to go back to my original rant, I am embarassed to say
> that a friend of mine put his finger on what is most probably the one
> small adjustment on the part of my coverage plan that made a 20 dollar
> check up into a 200 dollar one: in the 10 years since I last had one, my
> plan must have moved complete physicals into the part that has a
> deductible. And this is the first thing I've done this year, so I got the
> full brunt.
Does your plan have a "Wellness" allowance? I have a high deductible plan ($1500) with an even higher out-of-pocket max ($5000). But it comes with a Wellness allowance of $500 for preventative care, such as a physical and associated lab work. But to use it I have to specifically tell the clerk at the physician's office to submit it to the Wellness allowance, otherwise it counts towards my deductible.
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Everyone's worried about stopping terrorism. Well, there's a really easy way: Stop participating in it.
-Noam Chomsky