$250k as of October 3, and until December 31. Caution: the insurance is for particular kinds of accounts at certain institutions. If you care about this stuff, check to make sure the account you are talking about is covered.
http://www.fdic.gov/deposit/difaq.html https://www2.fdic.gov/EDIE/fdic_info.html
> But does it say when?
I don't think it does. So far, what typically happens is that when a bank is taken over, it's done over a weekend to have enough time to get it done without interruption for consumers. The usual idea is to pair a failed bank with a healthy bank, and the healthy bank turns the ATMs back on, etc. In the mean time, the accounts get settled and the insurance funding comes through to the receiving bank. In most cases (I can't remember a recent example where this wasn't true) consumers who are covered see no change in availability: the FDIC doesn't deal with individuals, but rather in bulk through the bank. They *do* deal individually with those who are over the limit, but I hope that if you're int hat group today you're working hard to get out of that group by diversifying your accounts.
This is to the benefit of everyone: if there's no disruption, the receiving bank is far less likely to have a run.