[lbo-talk] GM goes bankrupt...

Mike Ballard swillsqueal at yahoo.com.au
Fri May 22 17:43:14 PDT 2009

As General Motors declines and falls here is one damaged survivor of the assembly line recollections:

"Which is to say that being a factory worker in Flint, Michigan, wasn't something purposely passed on from generation to generation. To grow up believing that you were brought into this world to follow in your daddy's footsteps, just another chip-off-the-old-shoprat, was to engage in the lowest possible form of negativism. Working the line for GM was something fathers did so that their offspring wouldn't have to." http://www.michaelmoore.com/hamper/excerpt1.html

RivetHead http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ben_Hamper

*********************************************************************** http://www.iww.org.au/ Skype: mike.ballard66

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