[lbo-talk] Right-Wing Radio Host Gets Waterboarded, and Lasts Six Seconds Before Saying It's Torture

James Heartfield Heartfield at blueyonder.co.uk
Sat May 23 16:09:33 PDT 2009

Michael writes: "FWIW, 40 years later, in one of his last (of several) memoirs, in the 1990s, I hear Massu recanted and admitted his "proof" was fraudulent."

Massu was still sticking to his 'electric torture was not so bad' story when he was interviewed in the Spectator in 1994

'Anyway, I tried la gégène on myself; it was not so terrible.' 'To which part of the body did you attach the wires' he was asked by Simon Cortauld. 'I don't remember - it gives you a shock, but I didn't make a tragedy out of it. The gégène had been used in other parts of Algeria. I was surprised, but then I was told that it had been in general use since Indo-China. The Battle of Algiers was not something that we enjoyed; but we carried it through with a certain style [élègance].' quoted here: http://www.marxists.org/reference/subject/philosophy/works/fr/defeat-french-humanism.htm

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