[lbo-talk] Origins of Mancow's waterboarding stunt

Sheldon humanist.observer at gmail.com
Mon May 25 16:40:30 PDT 2009

Miles, No, I got the point, but I was just adding to it. :) But still, going into this knowing that you can end it by simply dropping or throwing something in your hands is alot more control of the situation than actually being subjected to it while having your tormenter decide when its over.


On Mon, May 25, 2009 at 5:21 PM, Miles Jackson <cqmv at pdx.edu> wrote:
> Sheldon wrote:
>> I would be more impressed if one of these blathermouths stepped up to
>> the plate with the conditions that they wouldn't be able to cry uncle
>> in 30 seconds. "Yeah, I will be waterboarded 83 times in a month".
>> After all, they still have actual control of the situation.  The
>> actual victims of waterboarding never had the option to throw their
>> signal at the first sign of discomfort.
> But this is missing the point.  Even under these lenient conditions--6
> seconds, no mas!--the dickwad described it as torture.  This is a more
> compelling demonstration because the conditions were so lenient.
> Miles
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