Well damn! Doug beat me to it, but I will say it anyway, this is just half bullshit. Yeah, the thugs were in Washington also, but if they didn't have client actors throughout the world then U.S. imperialism would be over, because there would never be enough U.S. forces to be everywhere, now would there? Kind of silly that we have to spell this reasoning out.
And besides the prosecution of Pinochet also indirectly indicts his Washington allies such as Kissinger, the CIA and his Unv. of Chicago economic advisors who were complicit in his crimes. Don't get me wrong, I would rather have them directly prosecuted, but small fish is better than no fish.
And as far as the issue of punishment, deterance and retribution. When it comes to the crimes of people like Pinochet and his partners, no the threat of punishment is probably no deterance, but hell yeah bring on the retribution to those bastards!