Except for the stupid allegation about "savings and thrift," the rest is just a convoluted way of deprecating K because he was both gay and bohemian.
Shane Mage
^^^^^^^ CB: Thinking about this a little more, here's a wild idea: If the report on Keynes as disdainful of the bourgeoisie is accurate , and yet Keynes was part of the ruling elite and bourgeoisie; maybe Keynes' lifestyle was part of his plan to euthanize the rentier class of which he was a member. Maybe he was sort of a fifth columnist for the working class within the ruling class. Virginia Woolf committed suicide. :>(
Here's Keynes' deal for the ruling class: party and do whatever you want , his libertine interpretation of Moore's ethics; just don't pass on the dough. Use the government to redistribute the wealth. Socialism from above (smile)