<begin David Ogles blog excerpt>
One of the major influences [Ron Paul] cited as the basis for his
libertarian philosophy was Austrian economist Friedrich Hayek's book
_The Road To Serfdom_, which essentially is to socialism what Noam
Chomsky's work is to capitalism.
Which is why I found it quite surprising when I stumbled upon this
passage in the book (emphasis mine):
Nor is there any reason why the state should not assist the
individuals in providing for those common hazards of life against
which, because of their uncertainty, few individuals can make
adequate provision. Where, as in the case of sickness and accident,
neither the desire to avoid such calamities nor the efforts to
overcome their consequences are as a rule weakened by the provision
of assistance - where, in short, we deal with genuinely insurable
risks - *the case for the state's helping to organize a comprehensive
system of social insurance is very strong*...
...Wherever communal action can mitigate disasters against which the
individual can neither attempt to guard himself nor make the
provision for the consequences, *such communal action should
undoubtedly be taken.*
Friedrich Hayek, The Road To Serfdom (Chapter 9)
<end blogcerpt>