On Sep 11, 2009, at 3:58 PM, Peter Ward wrote:
> Obviously, a rational approach--i.e., investigating and exposing
> what the Feds are actually doing--is preferred but rather than
> ridiculed it would be wise to reflect on the origin of this
> phenomenon.
It might also be 'wise' of the people who are in a position to investigate, to do so, rather than dismiss with ridicule those who attempt investigation. Probably start with the list of 'medical conditions' that the US Public Health Service posts for local public health agencies to report on, and note the changes to that list over time. (I suspect that the list will contain symptoms, as well as known diseases.) Then correlate the changes in the list with reports of occurrence of those symptoms, advertisements for new products that claim to resolve those particular symptoms. Those kinds of investigation may bear more 'fruit' than asking the gov't to deny it's complicity in chemtrails. Also might be worthwhile to find out if the Public Health Service lists refer to particular ethnic communities within which to look for specific symptoms, or if the lists differ for different parts of the country.
Phuggit - it's friday.