Tactics like that I think are often used. I think its foolish. You can hire temps on a nightshift. So that means its ultimately just a delay and there is s risk, you just handed over the case. Here are a couple of paragraphs of the Towns letter:
``On top of the bank’s refusal to provide the Committee with documents pertaining to legal advice on the BOA-Merrill Lynch merger, BOA flooded the Committee with thousands of pages of irrelevant or redacted documents...
I want to make it clear that I will exercise all authority at my disposal under Rules X and XI of the Rules of the House of Representatives to compel production. Before resorting to these further measures, however, I am hereby renewing my request that you deliver all of the relevant records, without redaction, no later than 12:00 noon, Monday September 21. 2009....''
The letter is cc'd to the honorable Darrell Issa, ranking minority member. But nevermind slimebag Issa. The majority co-chair is Dennis Kucinich.