[lbo-talk] Endless Universe

Chris Doss lookoverhere1 at yahoo.com
Wed Sep 23 11:31:53 PDT 2009

The translation is actually kind of crap (ok I know it's outdated). "Kosmos" means "world" (or "decoration," depending on context). Translating "kosmos" as "cosmos" is lame, like translating "ge" as "gaia." "Earth" will do fine. That's all it means.

--- On Wed, 9/23/09, Bryan Atinsky <bryan at alt-info.org> wrote:

> From: Bryan Atinsky <bryan at alt-info.org>
> Subject: [lbo-talk] Endless Universe
> To: lbo-talk at lbo-talk.org
> Date: Wednesday, September 23, 2009, 1:38 PM
> Totally off topic.... but...
> That quote of Herakleitos reminds me, I recently read what
> I thought was an interesting book, not only for the topic of
> the book itself, but also the behind the scenes glimpse into
> the process of how theoretical physics is done, in "real
> time."
> http://endlessuniverse.net/
> Bryan
> Chris Doss wrote:
> > Just keep adding more epicycles.
> >   
> >>> This cosmos did none of gods or men make, but
> it
> >>> always was and is and shall be: an everlasting
> fire,
> >>> kindling in measures and going out in
> measures."
> >>>
> >>> Herakleitos of Ephesos
> >>>       
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