> Yes, age has a lot to do with it. It's one thing for ancient, cherished
> myths to be passed down and modified century after century. It's quite
> another to fabricate an entire book out of whole cloth, claiming that an angel
> pointed you to some ancient plates that you managed to translate with the
> aid of some magical instruments. Of course, none of it makes much sense,
> but at least Catholics can admire a long history of myth-making, which
> started back when the term "myth" didn't have the connotation of being
> anti-Enlightenment, anti-rational. What's to admire in the myths of the Mormon
> church, which were invented by a small handful of Anglo-American men within the
> last couple of hundred years? (Not to mention the bit about the
> indigenous peoples of the Americas being cursed with dark pigmentation because of
> their wickedness.)
I now have no qualms against declaring you a person not to be believed. Based on what you've written above and in your last few posts. You obviously have a chip on your shoulder for mormonism. That is neither here nor there for me, since I really am a refuge from that religion.
However, I find that your criticisms of modern latter day saints lack merit and reek of something I'll call retributive anger. As evidence, I cite the above and your last couple of posts. You seem otherwise willing to accept stories about fishes and bread, parting of seas, undersea excursions in the bellies of whales and more, because of the longevity of the tales. With no similar critical regard for their equally ridiculous nature.
In an earlier email, you said that all mormons "truly deserve all of the mockery they get." Well, perhaps unlike you, I really was raised up in a mormon household. But unlike you, I would not want you or others anywhere else heaping mockery on my immediate relatives. I'd hope for a more reasoned and time-based approach in the more difficult of those cases. I know I've tried and what I have to say gets discounted, but someone not related could be more successful if their method did not frontally involve mockery.
So for that, I pronounce you a transparent fraud and liar. Which variant of "God" do you worship, that you'd wish hate and discontent on your immediate family? Or are you just a psychopath, that you'd wish hate and discontent instead of compassionate education on anyone?