I've been reading Let Them Eat Prozac, which is by David Healy, parts of which are online. In it, I came across references to research that Lilly tried to heavily suppress WRT Prozac: suicide ideation among non-depressed people.
Lilly, and I assume other drug companies, when sued by survivors of people who'd taken SSRI's and then gone on murderous and suicidal rampages used a strategy of blaming the disease instead of the drug. At least in the Forsythe case against prozac, one Doug posted about here way back in 1999, Lilly worked hard to keep that evidence out of the courtroom since it was good evidence for pinning it on the drug, not the disease. Also in chapters 5 and & of Let Them Eat Prozac, there's a discussion of the fact that it was mildly depressed folks who, upon taking SSRI's, are the ones who suffered most from suicidal ideation most. These are folks who are totally incapacitated and, in fact, are folks who aren't hospitalized and don't need to be.