on a scale, let us know the degree to which you agree or disagree with the explanation: peole are stupid fuckers, that's why they are teabuggers! lol
At 10:59 AM 2/9/2010, brad bauerly wrote:
>So, rather than dismiss them with snide comments on their being
>'shits' or stupid or constituted entirely of petty bourgeois, it would be
>wiser to actually engage with their arguments and in the process offer
>alternatives. This of course does require a left movement that in part is
>not inward looking or sectarian but is open and patient- with none of
>the casting of all others as stupid and wrong that occurs so often in the
>Trotsky sects and is latent in many of the recent discussions here.
-- http://cleandraws.com Wear Clean Draws ('coz there's 5 million ways to kill a CEO)