All true. But the point is, the right's attack on Freddie and Fannie is rational. Their tactics are rational. Fully nationalizing F&F is not on the table, so there is no downside for them. Why not attack F&F, which even in its not-really-public, not-really-progressive form is abhorrent to enough of the right's supporters, and one might 1) make it even harder for poor people to get housing credit, 2) distract from the real failures of the wondrous private sector, 3) tie their opponents up in knots as they defend an F&F that stinks to high heaven? It's win-win.
On Sat, Apr 24, 2010 at 6:56 PM, Michael Pollak <mpollak at> wrote:
> On Sat, 24 Apr 2010, socialismorbarbarism wrote:
>> Well, sure, it's utter nonsense that Fannie and Freddie can be the *cause*
>> of the collapse, and there's little doubt that they are the target for