> "The New York Times Headline Says It all. This beats Greenspan some of
> Greenspan's worst predictions.
> http://www.nytimes.com/2010/08/03/business/economy/03fed.html?scp=2&sq=bernanke&st=cse
> "
> Rising wages? That's a good one. I'm having my annual review soon, and
> my manager didn't even pretend there was any hope for a raise. And
> this after an 8% cut last year. And we're talking hi tech, where
> hiring continues.
> Ha!
Funny that the headline does quote him as saying rising wages "will" increase consumer spending, but the body of the article quotes him as saying that they "would" do so.
One statement is true, the other is not. :)
-- In Solidarity, Billy O'Connor