Where the fuck do those "values" come from. If you are going to argue values you have to establish their foundation, and that leads either to religion or to merely personal grunts of approval and disapproval.
And Eagleton has not a word to say on the politics of mass struggle. That's why he can wander off into insipid nonsense about what nations (capitalist nations) base their "politics" on (naked self-interest etc.) That is of absolutely no interest.
Mark Wain: Let me quote Terry Eagleton at length, who, with all of his limitations (but then who doesn't have?) seems to get it right that "The vocabulary of criticism is for the most part a moral one, with an admixture of technical or aesthetic terms," "How to Read a Poem," p.28)
"...Not only is (Fredric) Jameson mistaken to believe that all ethics displaces politics; he also assumes inaccurately that the ethics is always a
rigid binary matter of good versus evil. It is an oversimplifying account of
a supposedly oversimplifying phenomenon.("After Theory," p.143)