>or Chuck is guilty of misusing the English language
There's more than one way to misuse language. One is your way of using it to constantly hit people over the head.
>My suggestion for a beginning point in analyzing the way in which teachers
>at all levels as well as scholars contribute to capitalist hegemony is by
>inculcating in a million ways the superstition that capitalism is evil
>rather than history.
After Chalmers Johnson died Mike Davis was talking about him on the radio (the two lived in San Diego and became friends). He said a difference between himself and Johnson was that while Johnson really believed in the better angels of America (I'm paraphrasing) Davis believed that the American empire was just evil.
That's Mike Davis talking off the top of his head in an impromptu telephone interview about an important scholar who'd just died. Mike Davis has written thousands of words and I don't recall him using evil before this interview. But I assume if you heard the interview you'd reprimand him as well. And if you did it would be just as tedious and unfruitful as the way you're slamming Chuck here.