That's right. I'm an unemployed lush who spends most of the day drinking, smoking, and spending what little money I do have playing on- line poker. I'm highly employable but too lazy to search very hard for a job. I leave a lot of messes behind me as I wander around the house. I try to clean them up about once a week. I'm tall, fit, and fairly attractive by most standards, although I've started to get that pudge in the midsection that comes with drinking and age. I have intimacy issues, so I can't invest myself emotionally in a relationship. I've just been burned one time too many. I like sex a lot, but sometimes I just can't get in the mood, especially after a long day of drinking. Although if you catch me at the right moment of my binge I'm like a machine. I'm fairly neurotic in my mind, but very easy going on the surface. I'm extremely non-violent, but passive aggressive when it comes to confrontation. I am rather egotistical and I think I'm smarter than everyone else. And even if I'm deeply in love I can't help looking at all of the beautiful men in the world.
I'd like a man who is rich and emotionally unstable, preferably traumatized at an early age, maybe abandoned by mom, or possibly molested by the babysitter. Codependent gets extra points. Plan on being made to feel like the king of my world half the time and like you don't exist to me the other half. I'd like to move in next month, so hopefully you have your own place. A spare car would be pretty swell too.
I look forward to hearing from you.