Andy wrote:
> What doesn't get discussed as much is the question -- to me more
> interesting, at least with a certain distance -- of how to combat all
> this bullshit? Part of the problem
Why is it a problem? You can count on your fingers the number of important voices on the left that join in, and as far as those on the right go, focus on them is one more symptom of what I think of as a serious disease of the left during periods of impotence: instead of focusing on the enemy that _is_ overpowering_ the left, i.e., liberalism, go snark hunting among the riff-raff on the far right, who really are not politically important _except_ as liberal administrations use them as an exuse for not doin anything. In other words, at the present time, focus on teabaggers or climate denialists is a symptom of left weakness and avoidance of our real problems.
And of course this thread was entirely fragmented by Alan's error in trying to include two totallyseparted topics under one heading.