In other words many on the left define socialism in ways that have nothing essentially to do with socialism since using the government in such a manner leaves the capitalist system essentially intact. At the most it is a type of leftist reformism that uses a strong capitalist government to redistribute wealth to alleviate some of the worst effects of a more free market capitalism.
Blog: Blog:
--- On Mon, 2/8/10, Lew <wsm_mod at> wrote:
> From: Lew <wsm_mod at>
> Subject: Re: [lbo-talk] socialism defined
> To: lbo-talk at
> Date: Monday, February 8, 2010, 7:45 AM
> Joanna wrote:
> > In case you were wondering.
> >
> > "American socialism has long functioned under the
> principle that a
> > strong central government, lavishly funded by the
> middle and upper
> > classes, should influence the economy in the name of
> "social justice,"
> > and provide benefits to the lower class.
> In terms of economics, this is more or less how the
> Keynesian Left (including some who would call themselves
> Marxist) also define socialism: If the economy is in
> difficulty, the government should spend its way out of
> trouble.
> --
> Lew
> ___________________________________