> Greetings Australian Government Officials, Members of Local and
> International Press, and the General Public. We are Anonymous.
> The repercussions of this censorship of a natural body type on the psyche of
> Australian women cannot be understated, but this is not Anonymous' concern.
> The Australian Government will learn that one does not mess with our porn.
> No one messes with our access to perfectly legal (or illegal) content for
> any reason.
> We are Legion.
> We do not Forgive.
> We do not Forget
Haha, these guys started out as an anti-Scientology protest group - they dress up as the Guy Fawkes character from 'V for Vendetta', with the mask, and 'flash-mob' the Scientology temples around Sydney. While it's hard to tell with the masks (and as they say looks can be deceiving when it comes to judging ages) it seemed to be a bunch of teenagers.
Mike Beggs