[lbo-talk] Voyage en Icarie - no we can't! Re: clarification

shag carpet bomb shag at cleandraws.com
Sun Feb 14 07:25:53 PST 2010

At 09:51 AM 2/14/2010, SA wrote:
>shag carpet bomb wrote:
>>I should have made clear that my experience with demands for blueprints
>>is that the people making them are usually looking for the minute details
>>that they can object to and buttress the yes to capitalism they already
>I see what you mean. But that's actually one (minor) reason why
>blueprint-talk is useful. If someone hostile to the whole project keeps
>saying, "well, what about this detail? or that detail?" you can always
>point him in the direction of the blueprint literature and say, "hey, I'm
>personally not that interested in this stuff, but if you are, you can go
>read all these people who've given it a lot of thought and have already
>addressed all your questions. But keep in mind these are just ideas
>floating around, not a party manifesto."

in your experience, do these folks change their mind and get on board with the socialist program?

frankly, i'm really not all that interested in folks attracted to a social movement because they like detailed plans for how to get from here to there. it's fine if you are. i happen to prefer to save my breath to cool my porridge.

i'm much more interested in conversations with people who are responsive to this: dudes, it's all about freedom. why should we want any detailed blueprints for the future. the excitement is in building, together, the movement we want and the society we want. it's _our_ world to make, not the generations before us. and it's our grandchildren's world to make, not ours to draw up blueprints for them to follow. that recipe book the wasband's mother gave me, the one published in 1958? It's just great. For 1958. These days, we don't want lime jello molds for dessert. Why should the recipe books we write today contain the desserts we will want in 2058? Who knows what the future holds? It's what makes life worth living. Join me.

people who think that's exciting? they move the world.


-- http://cleandraws.com Wear Clean Draws ('coz there's 5 million ways to kill a CEO)

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