I think most of the 'Oathkeepers' 12 point platform would be supported by people here. It's pretty straight-libertarian, in terms of use of force by the State. At the same time, there are many repellent aspects of this 'movement.'
On Mon, Feb 22, 2010 at 9:23 AM, Max Sawicky <sawicky at verizon.net> wrote:
> Another five cents:
> When I look for ideology in the TP, I see two variants: no-Gov, or
> no-Gov on the non-defense side. The more erudite among them I suspect
> are more principled about scaling down the national security state and
> associated foreign adventures. This does not lead intellectually or
> logically to any sort of organic/corporatist state thingy. I would
> argue that psychologically, it can. Insofar as the whole thing is
> driven by fear, misery, hatred, and alienation, it is ripe for a
> demagogue who proposes to direct a new sort of state. Note that at
> the recent CPAC conference, you had the non-intuitive result of Ron
> Paul winning their straw poll, and Dick Cheney being received
> enthusiastically by the gathering.
> Of course rightys have always been with us, sometimes with greater
> manifest strength. To me the TP reflects a new mobilization, where
> people are willing to sacrifice personal time and resources to come to
> meetings, demonstrations, and to raise a ruckus at public meetings.
> We are well short of uniformed squadristi in the streets, but some
> mobilization on the left will inspire reactions on the right.
> Rhetorically the movement is prone to say anything. Listen to Glenn
> Beck and it would appear that the implementation of national health
> insurance would justify armed uprising. What seems most worth
> watching is the extent and intensity of their actual organization
> (beyond just leaving their houses for demos, etc). Given
> circumstances of even mild progressive revival that we would welcome,
> these folks could be apt to do anything.
> On Mon, Feb 22, 2010 at 8:45 AM, Ted Winslow <egwinslow at rogers.com> wrote:
>> Carrol Cox wrote:
>>> The DP leadership has cetain fundamental loyalties, and they serve those
>>> loyalties with intelligence (savvy) and courage. Obama's statement that
>>> he is willing to be a one-term president was seirous: he will maintain a
>>> principled course regardless of consequences. The principles are those
>>> of our enemy, but don't confuse serving those principles loyally with
>>> being afraid to support "our" princpels.
>> So it's true then that Obama is the Antichrist.
>> Ted
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