On Feb 24, 2010, at 11:10 PM, Mark Rickling wrote:
> So all those Republicans and Independents have turned against unions
> because they didn't support single payer or support adding $100s of
> billions to the deficit in a real jobs bill?
Swing in favorability, January 2007-February 2010:
white -17 black -16
college grad -18 some college -19 HS or less -14
$75,000+ -19 $30-74,999 -10 under $30,000 -22 (to 43%, a level lower than the $30-74,999 group!)
Republican -18 Democrat -14 Independent -16
union HH - 3 non-union HH -18
So it's a long way from just Reps and Inds. Check out the details, it's not pretty: